Monday, August 5, 2013


Well hello there, this is our very first post of Vinyl View. We, as high school teenagers, so not want to give off the vibes of "Hey guys, let's drink our parents peach schnapps until we pass out into our dog's shit" crowd which is surprisingly a large percent of youths today. Instead we enjoy the fruits of Thomas Wolfe, Charles Dickens, and Maya Angelou, actually we aren't the pricks from Horace Mann I swear we don't sniff our own butts. We just like a good book, some tea, making strange improv videos, and eating chocolate waffles while greeting each other with our worst "Howyado-un" (Wendy Williams style).

Our Game Plan:
We have no idea. We're just going to surf Seventeen magazine's website and cut out the bubbly bull shit on how you put on green eyeliner and rainbow suspenders. We're going to try our best to stuff your gorgeous face (I know your beautiful because I'm right behind you) with the most far out, quixotic ('d it, I have no idea what it actually means) material that we can find. Anywhooey, we'll try our best to feed your squirrel-like attention span with information you ought to know like are "Robbie-Stew really done for?? "(actually this is a no celebrity gossip zone, they give absolutely nothing to the world besides laughable vampire movies). Look out for strange movies, original poems, DIY's that don't include a $500 trip to Marshall's (although we would love that), and things that, in our opinion, are superior. So sit back, pour yourself grape juice inside a wine glass to put on the facade that you're classy, sexy, and have elegnace. Or, if this is an October night and you have a flannel blanket on, Ms. Zoe recommends green tea with jasmine. Enjoy the VINYL VIEW (he he, world play).

Jeez Neons, Lee Eel Envy, and Ember Nocturne 
(Don't worry, those aren't our real names)

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